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Address to college of Cardinals

 Audio (Italian)


Wednesday, August 30th, 1978

The Pontiff' s words, outside the written text:

Thank you, Most Reverend Eminence, for the so good words that you has deigned to address me, in the name, besides the Sacred School, it seemed to me to see in the name of the Church and its members: faithful, Priests, Monks.


First of all, I wanted to apologize somehow because, on the newspapers, I have seen that, almost, almost, I would have reproached the Sacred College. It is not exactly like this. When I came back from the blessing and I saw all the College ready for the picture which then it was not made, it came to me, spontaneously, from the school memories, it is due to school, the text from the Tudesk, there where it is spoken about St. Bernard, it also says the reaction he had had when he heard that Eugene III, one of his, had been made a Pope. Then, he wrote: Quid fecistis? Parcat vobis Deus. But it wasn' t me who said it. I did not reproach you absolutely! I meant, St. Bernard' s reaction. Instead, in this moment, I must thank for the absolutely unexpected confidence for me and also unmerited, that you have had in giving your vote to me. Let us hope the Lord does not make me unworthy of this confidence. Help me with your prayers, too. Here, I see Cardinal Felici, with his customary kindness, before ending the scrutiny, he came, because he was right in front of me, and he told me: 'Message for the new Pope'. 'Thanks!' - I said, but I had not been made, yet. I opened. What was it? A small Via Crucis. That is the Popes' way. But... in the Via Crucis, one of the personages is also the Cirenean. I hope that, my brothers Cardinals will help this poor Christ, Vicar of Christ, to carry the cross with their collaboration of which I feel so much necessity (...)


In a certain sense, I feel sorrow for not being able to come back to the simple apostolate life that I liked so much. I have always had small dioceses: Vittorio Veneto, small diocese; the same Venice, great of history and small, 430,000 inhabitants. For that reason, my work was: children, workers, sick, pastoral visits. I will not be able to do this work any more. But you can do it. But you do not have to think only about your diocese. Bishops must also think about the universal Church. We must work together. Have mercy of the poor new Pope that really did not hope to arrive to this place. Try to help and let us try together to make a scene of unity for the world, even sacrifying something sometimes. But we will have much to lose if the world does not see us solidly united.


With this, I give you the greatest congratulations and I finish with the apostolic blessing that the Cardinal Dean has requested... I say the truth: it seems to me a little bit strange to give you the apostolic blessing . You also are all successors of the Apostles. Anyway, it is written here: In Christ' s name, I give, with effusion of feelings, to you, to your collaborators and to all the souls trusted to your pastoral cure, the first fruits of my propitiatory apostolic blessing. A little pompous the language. Be patient!